Second Harvest Food Bank will host the annual MAYDAY fundraiser this week. MAYDAY starts at 6 a.m., lasting until 7 p.m on Thursday, May 6, 2021. MAYDAY raises funds for Food for Kids, Summer Food for Kids and the School Pantry programs.
Elaine Streno, Executive Director says, “Youth programs feed thousands of the most vulnerable people Second Harvest serves—children and their families. Each year MAYDAY helps our efforts for children to receive the nutritious food they need, and we cannot do it without you! Due to the ongoing economic impacts of the pandemic, more children than ever face food insecurity.”
Because of the economic effects of COVID-19, 70,240 children in East Tennessee are now at risk of hunger – up from 44,120 previously. Food insecurity is greater now for children than ever before. With the lasting impacts on their families, many more children wonder where their next meal will come from. With school out or virtual for so long, children missed meals usually provided by their school.
Two ways to donate on MAYDAY:
1. Phone (865) 243-8227
2. Web