It’s SO Easy:
- FOUR TIMES each weekday from 9/26/22 to 10/21/22 win $103. in Workforce Cash!
- Just listen for secret text-in-to-win codeword to be announced at approximately 9:00am / 11:00am / 1:00pm / 3:00pm.
- You will have approximately 15 minutes to enter.
- All LOCAL Winners!
- A $103. cash winner, every time we announce a new secret codeword.
Tips to Win!
- Pre-program WIMZ’s text number (76622) into your phone now!
- Set alarms on your phone to remember when to listen for a new codeword!
- The more you listen to WIMZ, the more chances you have to WIN!
For complete contest information, see the official WIMZ Workforce Cash contest rules.
*Message & data rates may apply. Text STOP to quit. Text HELP for help or visit www.vibes.com/help/ for support. To opt-out of alerts, text KEYWORD and STOP to 76622 (Ex. STOPWEATHER). Subscribers will receive no more than twenty messages per week when subscribing to any of our Alerts or Offers. No purchase is necessary. Marketing text messages generated by an automated dialer will be delivered to the phone number you provide at opt-in.
Approved carriers for texting 76622 are Verizon Wireless, T-Mobile, Sprint/Nextel/Boost, AT&T, U.S. Cellular, Cellcom, and Element Mobile. Sprint users may need to call their customer service representative to have the shortcode functionality activated on their cell phones. For questions or support, please visit www.vibes.com/help/.